What is the job of a referee?
USRowing Referees are tasked with ensuring the safety and fairness of regattas around the country. This means that Referees oversee making sure athlet...
What is the job of a regional coordinator?
The Regional Coordinator is the point person for their region, in charge of naming clinicians, helping recruit candidates and administering full licen...
What are the different regions?
There are 6 regions for Referees. They are the: Mid-Atlantic (Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Washington D.C, West Virginia, and Vergini...
Am I covered by USRowing insurance as a referee?
You must have both an active USRowing membership and electronically signed membership agreement to be covered under USRowing’s insurance program for g...
What is a data call?
Data Call happens at the end of the year, where all Referees need to have all information added to stay certified.
What do I need to upload into RefCorps?
Candidates can upload regattas worked and which position they worked. Assistant and full Referees can also track which regattas they worked, positions...
What is RefCorps?
RefCorps is the platform that all Referees use to track all regattas worked, attendance to the annual clinic. It’s also where Referees can see which r...
What do Referees need to do to maintain their license?
A Referee will need to work a minimum of 4 regatta days a year, attend the Annual Clinic, maintain a current SafeSport certification annually, and hav...
Do I need to do a background check?
Yes, you’ll need to pass a background check to begin your process, and to maintain a license, a background check is required every two years. To reque...
Do I need current SafeSport training?
Every USRowing licensed must have a current SafeSport certification, that needs to be updated every year.
Do I need a current USRowing membership to be a Referee?
Yes, which USRowing will provide. Notify USRowing HERE of your current referee status (candidate, assistant, full referee) and the amount of time y...
What is the Referee College?
The Julian Wolf School for Referees, is the educational arm for the Referee Corps. They are in charge of developing all the educational content for Ca...
How do I become a full Referee?
Once you’ve passed your Assistant Referee exam, you’ll still have to work a specific number of times for each position. Marshal twice Starter 5 times ...
What do I need to observe to sit for the Assistant exam?
You’ll need to observe 6 positions: Start Marshall, Chief Judge, Starter, Aligner/Judge at the Start, Chief Judge, Referee, and Control Commission.
What are the steps to becoming a Referee?
First, please fill out the Referee Application here ! Once that’s done, you’ll need to make sure that you have a USRowing membership, be up-to-date w...
Are there different ranks for Referees?
Yes, there are three ranks for Referees; Candidates, are people interested in becoming a Referee. Assistant Referees, are licensed referees, they can ...
Regatta Sanctioning
Are chief referees required for all sanctioning tiers?
Chief Referees are required for all sanctioning tiers except for Duals/Tris.
What is included in the Referee Coverage Only sanctioning tier?
This option is for standard organizational members that do not participate in the USRowing insurance program, but want to utilize the USRowing Ref Cor...
What is required on the sanctioning application from hosting LOCs?
The host organization must be a current U.S. organizational member of USRowing with annual membership. Sanctioning fees must be paid in full one mon...
Why sanction?
Designated as meeting the highest standards of fairness and safety. Receive compliance reports on participating clubs and athletes, as well as unlimi...
High Performance Racing
What are some of the physical side effects of performance enhancing substances?
Acute, or short term, side effects include a sudden change in physical appearance, a sudden shift in performance level (up or down), increased or flar...
What is a performance enhancing substance?
Typically, a substance or method is performance enhancing when it improves sport performance and poses a health risk to an athlete. Performance enhanc...
What are the possible side effects of energy drinks?
Heart palpitations, headaches, respiratory distress, insomnia, tremors/shaking, dizziness, agitation/restlessness, chest pain, gastrointestinal upset,...
Are supplements FDA approved?
No supplement is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Are the ingredients listed on the label of my supplement accurate?
You cannot rely on the label to tell you what is in the bottle. Products can be mislabeled and might not include the proper amounts of intended ingr...
If a dietary supplement claims it's natural, does that make it safe?
Just because a product claims to be natural, it does not make it safe to use. There are many natural substances that are toxic, poisonous, or deadly i...
What is a dietary supplement?
Dietary supplements are products containing dietary or nutritional ingredients intended to supplement the diet.
I’m coming out of retirement; how can I re-enroll in the Registered Testing Pool?
To re-enroll in the USADA RTP, an athlete must send a return from retirement statement through to at least six months prior...
I’m retiring from rowing; how do I remove myself from the Registered Testing Pool?
Athletes who are retiring from the sport of rowing can remove themselves from the RTP by e-mailing USADA at . Until confirma...
What are the requirements for athletes in the Clean Athlete Program (CAP)?
Athletes who are part of the CAP are required to submit their primary overnight location, typical training location(s), and competition schedule to th...
What is the Clean Athlete Program (CAP)?
The Clean Athlete Program (CAP) includes athletes who are selected for a national team or are representing Team USA at international competitions, ath...
What happens if I miss a test by USADA?
Another type of Whereabouts Failure is a missed test. If an athlete is not available for testing at the locations indicated on their Whereabouts Filin...
What happens if I do not complete my Quarterly Whereabouts Filing by the USADA deadline?
All athletes in the RTP who do not file their Quarterly Whereabouts Filing by the USADA deadline will be issued a Filing Failure. A Filing Failure fal...
What are Quarterly Whereabouts Filings?
Athletes in the USADA Registered Testing Pools must submit a Quarterly Whereabouts Filing. These athletes provide information including their living a...
What does it mean to be in the Registered Testing Pools (RTP)?
Athletes in a Registered Testing Pool (RTP) will be required to submit detailed Quarterly Whereabouts Filings once enrolled. Athletes in the RTP are s...
How do I complete a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE)?
The TUE submission form can be found HERE .
How can do I determine if I need to apply for a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE)?
The USADA TUE policy is consistent with the WADA International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions and is designed to protect the rights of cl...
Is there a possibility I will be drug tested?
Yes, all competing athletes at USRowing and FISA events are subject to in-competition drug testing conducted by USADA. Athletes should be prepared for...
How can I check the medications or substances I’m taking?
The Global Drug Reference Online (DRO ) is a searchable database of the WADA Prohibited List and is updated January 1. The DRO is the easiest way t...
I missed the submission deadline for the ECG, what can I do?
If an athlete did not submit an ECG and/or complete the Eligibility Submission Form by the deadline, they can submit it for an administrative fee of $...