How can do I determine if I need to apply for a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE)?
The USADA TUE policy is consistent with the WADA International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions and is designed to protect the rights of clean athletes. All TUEs can be submitted to USADA and will be passed on to FISA for approval if that athlete will be competing at a World Rowing sanctioned event. If you are an athlete in the process of trying out for a National Team or planning on competing in a FISA sanctioned event, you are in the Registered Testing Pool, or you have ever tested positive for a banned substance, you will need to complete a TUE.
Search your medication on the Global DRO to determine its prohibited status. If the substance is not prohibited in-competition or out-of-competition, no TUE or further action is needed. If it falls into one of the follow categories, complete a TUE:
Prohibited in-competition but not prohibited out-of-competition.
Prohibited in-competition and prohibited out-of-competition.
Conditional in- or out-of-competition.
Unsure? Contact the USADA Athlete Express Hotline at (800) 233-0393 or