What are the benefits of an inclusive program?
As the governing body of rowing, USRowing’s mission is to steward, strengthen, and grow American rowing by championing performance and igniting new passion for the sport. The three pillars of our work to do so are Experience, Performance, and Inclusion. We believe that the key to sustaining our sport is not only inviting people in – but also keeping existing athletes in rowing! A welcoming, positive environment at your club will do just that.
While ensuring we have a sport that is demographically representative of our country is a moral imperative, diversity also means growth and results in a more competitive sport internationally and here at home. In short, diversity is good for our sport.
An inclusive rowing program allows the unique individuals on your team to feel valued for who they are and feel a sense of belonging. If athletes feel safe, they can focus on rowing. Focusing on rowing means they can improve their technique, enjoy their teammates, and reap the vast rewards of this sport.