Are all coaches at USRowing member organizations required to be certified?
Yes. We have structured the program so that coaches can choose the learning pathway that best fits their specific needs and interests.
Coaches with three or more years of experience may skip the Level 1 course (2-3 hours to complete) and either proceed immediately to the Level 1 Exam or enroll directly in the Level 2 course (includes 10 hours of live Zoom sessions over 2-3 days). The Level 1 Exam takes people less than 10 minutes to complete.
We will waive the course requirement component for previously-certified coaches whose certifications have lapsed if:
Level 1 course was completed on or after January 1, 2014; OR
Level 2/II or Level 3/III course completions are in our records or members can provide proof of completion. Note: Old Level II and III courses are considered equivalent to current Level 2 course.
Coaches with coach certifications earned in other countries may submit evidence of their certifications and the requirements for certification completed in other countries for evaluation and possible granting of U.S. equivalency status. All coaches will still be required to complete all other certification requirements including continuing education credits (CECs).